Monday, June 23, 2008

First real summer in Winston

I can't believe that I have finished my first year of teaching and am now on summer break. Let's pause and review...I FINISHED MY FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING !!!!!!
I'm pretty excited that I have a job that will always provide me with a nice (longish) break that is some what paid. It is a let down from college summer breaks, but it is better than most get! So in this first summer out of Asheville I am reminded of the real heat of the South, and by heat I mean humidity. Oh to be back in the land of 40% and a real breeze... it was so nice. Now that I am dealing with heat I am battling the pros (cool air) and cons (cost) of A/C. It's been okay leaving it up around 85, but upcoming visitors are telling me that this is crazy and they won't stand for it. I think it is making me a better person, but dad says I don't need to be a hero. I've got the rest of the week to save up before the first wave of visitors come (Thursday!!!!).

Self induced fame

Over the weekend I finally saw the famous had been way too long. We had a lot of fun and got really good sushi. During the evening learned about the alluring quality of having a blog...self induced fame (it was decided that most fame is self induced). This sounded like too much fun so I decided to join the masses and begin posting. So now I have something to do this summer, Yeah!